When some of this mob goes out in the forest, and wonders anything, they need to have a good sense of history.
Look at Europe and its forests. They have been turned over tons of times. There is always a future and we can shape it.
The logging industry in Tasmania works on specific, and specialised, scientific information provided by Government.
Of course there will be a future and given half a chance the logging industry will take care of it. It is in the industry’s self interest to work on the future. How else are its members to fund their superannuation.
Invest your super in the logging industry and your investment will be as safe as. Trust us! We do.
if you had self regulation on the highway and you were driving at 125 k's an hour would you pull over to the side of the road and give yourself a ticket?
I understand where you're coming from and I've have to say that, yes, we in the logging industry would certainly pull over with World class alacrity and give ourselves a ticket.
Of course. That's what self-regulation is all about.
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