Barry Chipman from Timber Communities Australia is a champion of the loggers' story. He knows the facts and that 40% of Tasmania’s land is covered by the Regional Forestry Agreement. And he knows all too well that it includes national parks and world heritage areas as well as other reserves.
Loggers need people like Barry to champion their cause. Timber Communities Australia, a network of community groups with a secretariat funded by the timber industry, and Barry is their primary advocate.
Barry Knows the history timber getting in Tasmania and that Tassie can claim a first here given that when Captain Cook arrived, and Abel Tasman, saw Tasmania as he says they saw this place “as a great place for timber to repair their ships and to build ships. It’s been part of Tasmania’s heritage ever since we were first settled.”
He asks us to imagine NSW with 40% (rather than the current 7%) of its land reserved away from any economic benefit as it is in Tasmania. There has been political interference in land-use decisions, and clearly that’s what’s been going on, all you have to do is look at the history. Every big Green forest debate seems to coincide with a federal or a state election. Since the late 1980s Tasmania has been subjected to political interference and Barry knows it and that a Federal election is upon us.
Barry also knows that in Tasmania our logging industry is very important and that it:
• contributes over a billion dollars to Tasmania’s economy;
• each year it employs 10,000 people; and
• it provides employment for a good percentage of Tasmania’s population.
He knows that the logging industry is not the only industry or even the only industry Tasmania needs. He accepts that tourism is great but, like any state, Tasmania needs a diverse range of industries, and Tasmania’s forest industry is that diverse range of industries.
As Barry says “It (logging and forestry) provides the heart and soul for many small communities throughout Tasmania, as well as big ones.”
Thanks Barry the logging industry needs you and your kind if it is ever to realise its potential. We have a long way to go yet! Good on you Barry keep on leading the way! Barry you're a champ!
Bazza's the man!
It looks like one of Barry's famous "baked bean" days doesn't it?
Yup, you always know when Barry's had his baked beans.
Puts a smile on a man's face, as Barry has said.
Anyone know what's the best cure for itchy piles?
I don't know how much longer I can sit in this cab, in this situation, with my piles itching like there was no tomorrow.
On gear the size of mine, I don't have the luxury of a lot of hands-free, if you know what I mean. Plus if I do get my hand in my jocks for a good scratch, I often have trouble getting it out again.
What's the answer?
Barry makes me wet.
ooops..sorry, that should have said 'weep' not 'wet'.
My mistake.
Barry makes me weep.
Itchy piles eh sensitive?
Whatever you do don't get ground pepper on them...that happened to me a couple times and WHEWEEEE!! Lookout Miss Peggy!!
Don't let it happen to you.
Oh yeah, and I tried Valvoline 20-50 W engine oil (just a dab you understand) but there's something in it that burns like a bastard so unless you like crying while you're driving, don't do it.
Someone said to me that I should see a doctor. Maybe you could think of that.
Hope that helps.
Christ, Barry couldn't tell a Husqvarna from a Stihl if it didn't have the writing on it!
But he's a good spokesperson, I've got to admit, and I reckon he's a pretty good bloke really, except for those 'baked bean' days mentioned earlier. Phew.
Barry Chipman - a quintessential imbecile and someone who looks as stupid as they sound.
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