If you think that this stuff might be art then we suggest that you are out of your tree. The Weld Angel is totally misguided to be kind but in the end its just plain old seditious claptrap. Rubbish it is, art it certainly is not!
The logging industry has for far too long been exposed to this kind of renegade nonsense that masquerades under the ‘free speech’ banner. Free speech is alright so far as it goes but when it interferes with the legally sanctioned work of the logging industry it has no place in today’s Tasmania.
Pleading guilty and throwing yourself upon the mercy of the court, and in the name of art, just is not on anymore.
These freaky longhaired artist types need to go out and get a real job. The minimum penalty needs to be at least a hundred thousand dollars and taken out offenders’ dole if need be. Then the industry can go to the government for adequate compensation without it costing honest taxpayers anything.
Art schools that produce this kind student should to be closed down until they undertake to moderate the behaviour of their students. They certainly shouldn’t give them professional qualifications.
The cost to the logging industry is enormous and the pittance the police claim were their costs is in all probability a gross underestimate. So too would be what Forestry Tasmania is claiming to be their costs.
As usual the legal people underestimate the real costs to the logging industry. This stuff must stop.
The Government needs to get behind the logging industry and enact some laws with real teeth. There is no place for art (assuming that it is art) like this in Tasmania.
Members of this ratbag fringe are mostly on the dole or some other social benefit of some misfit allowance or other. Their behaviour is outrageous. Their money supply should be cut off and quick smart. A slap on the wrist and good behaviour bond is just not enough.
I don't know much about art, but I know what I like and it isn't being stuffed around by birds on tripods.
My contracting business could lose thousands of dollars a minute over this kind of thing. Perhaps protestors could post a substantial bond, such as $100,000 minimum. That might slow them down a bit.
If that's art, then I'm a boofhead.
Do you know something FELLER .... u are a boofhead
I agree, art is in the beholder (and we shouldn't be beholdering to any whim and fancy) ism. Art shouldn't be in the eye of the viewer, either it should be drawn & quartered like all the other performance Nancys! Give me a field full of boofheads and I'll show you performance mate. Chainsaws rule around this artschool - the artschool of the plains.
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