Technology has allowed the logging industry to lift its game. Once upon a time loggers had to get a bit here and a bit there leaving an untidy mess behind.
Nowadays its possible to do a really thorough job and leave the site just as you want to find it. The replacement trees can now all grow in convenient rows making it easier to keep things just right.
If there is any doubt about the industry’s performance its possible for just about anybody to take a really close look. Google Earth provides that chance. It’s very simple, all that needs to be done is:
• go to http://earth.google.com/ ;
• choose the particular option that works best for you; and
• take a look at a logging area anywhere you like in Tasmania.
Gone are the days when you have to take the logging industry’s word or get in your car to take a look for yourself. Anybody can do an audit and see for themselves just how well the industry is cleaning up Tasmania.
Thank goodness for all the new technologies available to the industry and the public. The truth will win through every time!
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