There is strong argument for leaving well enough alone, except in our forests of course. John Howard and Paul Lennon have really been working well for us, although JH will likely be sacrificed of course.
As PM, Howard seems to have Malcolm Turnbull on a chain and appears well able to keep him there. Then again, Premier Lennon has shown that he can work with almost anyone to get done what needs to be done.
In the weeks ahead we need to keep a close eye on these two players if we are to have a future in the Tasmanian forests be they native forests or plantations.
Howard is up for election and Lennon isn’t but in the end Howard will have the grunt to get done what we need to get done.
Together Howard and Lennon are a formidable pair and they are prepared to enact whatever laws that need to be there to get Tasmania’s anti-progress seditious longhairs out from under foot in our forests.
Consider the alternatives!
It may be OK but could Rudd and Lennon work together under Gunns. Maybe, but it is something to consider isn’t it?
Whoo-hoo ROCK a billy boy baby. You got this right-on.
Shake your tush, Paul, you da man.
Something to consider indeed.
What a partnership!
Howard as the brains, Lennon the brawn, another Abbott and Costello look-alike contest.
Oh yeah, Go Swans!!!
I'm part of a secret unit, within Forestry Tasmania, that investigates clear fell sites that have been left all messy, allegedly in violation of various codes blah blah blah. We know that these messes, much beloved in the photos of our detractors, are not, repeat no way, left by anyone, or anything remotely anything to do with Forestry Tasmania.
So far we're thinking aliens. Far fetched I hear you say, well no...that's why we've had to keep everything secret don't you see? We've played with other likely explanations like death rays from another planet, but so far aliens stacks up pretty good.
So don't be blaming us you Greenies. Only me and my unit knows the real truth around here, and we're not telling.
Did anyone see that light in the sky over Evandale last night? It was real bright and moving very fast, thought it might have been descending for a look at us so we pulled over.
Anyway, there's nothing for miles round there that would explain this, what shall we call it, UFO?
Yes, a potential Tasmanian first brought to you, once again, by the logging industry.
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