Well we are off and running - Howard and Rudd are out there on the hustings espousing their leadership abilities. However, if we are looking for a leadership model in Tasmania we need look no further than John Gay, even if he is not standing for a parliamentary seat.
John Gay sticks to his guns. He does the groundwork and has surrounded himself with people who provide him with the information he wants to take him and Tasmania ever onward in the so-called Tasmanian forestry debate.
He hangs in there through thick and thin, forging the way forward despite all the obstacles the rat bag populist fringe can throw up. He knows his business, and gets the information and approvals he wants, as Gunns own shareholders appreciate.
John Gay has set a standard that Howard and Rudd would do well to emulate. When John Gay believes something he not only believes, he acts upon it and charges ahead no matter what.
He gets things done and he has no time for anything that gets in his way.
The anti-progress crew are always trying to rain on his parade, but he outshines them every time with his quick wit and incisive acumen. Their latest bit of misinformation being that his mill’s pollution outfalls will exceed that of all of Sweden’s pulp mills put together. What a lot of unscientific tosh!
Tasmania was an economic basket case and the politicians claim that they have turned that around. Rubbish, it was John Gay.
John Gay is Tasmania’s logger par excellence. He is about John Howard’s age but is a fine figure of a man with a lot more go in him. Gunns shareholders need to increase his salary by a couple million as he is going to make Tasmania an even better place.
Save the negative bulldust and follow John Gay.
In the end it will be him who will deliver the jobs, not Howard, Rudd or any of the politicians throwing their hats in the ring.
If we were electing a President at this election John Gay would win hands down in my book.
People don't realise what a nice man John is.
Not only is he a thought and opinion leader, but he's nice to everyone really (except those 20 bastards he rightly took to court).
So all hail John. Please, run for political office so we can see your face instead of these self absorbed pollies.
Amen to that, Dazza.
John's not only a nice bloke, but he's lovely to work for too. Always looking out for the workers and never a strong word, that's our John. God bless him and a pox on those miserable bastards who are always trying to drag him down.
If John Gay's so nice why does he think forestry workers are brainless gorms who are only capable of working with their hands? Oh and if Gunns didn't employ them they'd be off robbing banks etc. This is what he said in his interview with The Mercury Aug 27.
Hey, anonymous, if what you had to say was worth anything at all, you'd give your full name and, possibly, address.
So if you can't be nice, go elsewhere bozo.
Oh so "silent majority" you are happy for John Gay to insult his workers? Don't the workers deserve more respect?
Have you read the interview?
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