It would be just be too crazy not to put up a piece on the proposed pulp mill.
This mill will be Tasmania's salvation but it looks like there is a way to go yet. When will the umpire’s word ever be enough?
Malcom Turnbull, Minister for the Environment has approved the Tamar Valley pulp mill, with some additional conditions imposed, and it;s astounding that the comments being made by mill protesters could be made with a straight face. Enough is enough.
Approval was always going to be delivered and the assessment and approval process was always going to be positive. But, the Greens, the Wilderness Society, Geoff Cousins etc. think that they have legal opinions saying that the conditional approval cannot be made. Get real, for God’s sake just how long can this thing be strung out?
The State or Federal Governments need to give them more funding to meet the costs of the additional requirements and the ongoing monitoring. Australia needs this mill and so does Tasmania, but why should the industry pay for all the approval process costs.
The big problem with the Commonwealth approval is the Terms of Reference. The Commonwealth need only assess the mill on it's impact on listed threatened species and communities, and listed migratory species, and on the mill’s construction site specifically. When will these no sayers get out of the picture and let us get on with it?
The Chief Scientist has done an assessment of the scientific aspects of the DEWR report, relevant supporting documentation and public comments and it's the thumbs up.
It’s entirely appropriate that Paul Lennon’s approval process should not be interfered with.
There is an additional 24 conditions being placed on the proposal and related to the terms of reference. Clearly, "the science supports the mill".
This is where the misinformed, the stupid, the ignorant, and the gullible mill protesters are so mistaken in the claim that they speak “from the high ground”.
Well you clowns, the fight is a long way from being over and there are many thousands of intelligent and articulate people in the logging industries prepared to stand up for their beliefs and timber rights and their wish to get this mill up and running!
Bring it on, stand up and be counted, protest, get rough and even arrested if need be.
Whoever pays the piper calls the tune, and that's us!
The dickbrains at Tasmanian Times aren't going to get this stuff no matter how reasonable we present to them.
It's time for some major common sense to enter this fony debate.
Go loggers!
It's all about science people. Getting the science right. Yes, that's it. We wouldn't want the wrong science now would we?
How do we know what wrong science is?
Well, we do.
No-one knows forestry like we know forestry and we know what's right and what's wrong, I can tell you.
What do you think forestry is all about if not that? Know which science is right for forestry is the ESSENCE of forestry. Right there. No question.
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