More weeks of the big fella turning up sozzled after being chauffered round while he lays bets on the ponies all morning. Next a long lunch followed by all means necessary to avoid any further decision making for the day. He showed up for the State of...speech. What a lot of bulldust. The poor buggers who are suffering in our state aren't going to get much comfort from a man who spends up big on gambling and racing, both personally and with State money.
Everything the big fella does is a stuff up, Basslink, Spirit III, LGH, Elwick, you name it, if he's involved that's the outcome. On the health front we hear that Lara is getting her instructions directly from the big fella. For state business, perhaps there should be a breathalyser in the parliament?
You've got to allow a man his simple pleasures. I mean, dropping that bundle in the Crown was a mistake, one that Tasmanians paid dearly for, if you know what I mean. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat after all said and done.
Anyway, I reckon he deserves it. And he's got faith in the Hydro don't forget, so you've gotta be proud.
Paulie has a secret boys and girls, and he thinks almost no-one else knows what it is. Of course, John and Robin are privy to it but no-one else, thinks Paulie.
Well let me tell you that he's got a rude awakening coming if he doesn't start wising up and cutting me some slack, like a proper software grant or something. Some of the "Intelligent Island" money that still hasn't been spent perhaps. Or did they give it to CSIRO?
A tosser for a Leader.
leading a state almost full of braindead tossers.
how apt.
hey lets face it. Corruption starts at the top and works down.
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