Beazley backs Tasmanian pulp mill
AAP | October 11, 2007
FORMER federal opposition leader and deputy prime minister Kim Beazley has waded into Tasmania's pulp mill debate, saying the $1.7 billion project "would be a boon for the state". Speaking in Hobart today, Mr Beazley acknowledged the Gunns Ltd mill had the potential to become a political powderkeg going into the election.
Mate, Beezo's a hero on our book. It's about time some people in the know started to educate the dim buggers down here who don't recognise the value they get from logging.
Yeah pulp mill. Bring it on!
Always thought bomber was a bummer, but he's come good for us now.
As a dedicated worker for Forestry Tasmania I can't express how pleased I am to be able to welcome your beaut, new, positive site for our industry.
Forestry Tasmania has bent over backwards for
Gunns Pulp Mill and steadfastly maintained that position although we have been strongly criticized
for being too close to John Gay. Get real, I say!
It's only through the really close personal contact between our senior management and Gunns that
the mill is now on the cusp of success. Indeed
without the assistance we give Gunns they would hardly be in a position to build a windmill let alone
a world-class five-star top-of-the-range pulp mill.
It will be the envy of countries like Chile, Brazil,
India and Vietnam. And impress the tits off China.
The lies that the industry has had to put up with
are outrageous. I mean, where's the science? These hippies and greenies use chorine in their swimming pools don't they? And if a few oysters
are a bit off there is always the east coast. God! We've all had a dodgy prawn — that's what being
a Taswegian's all about.
If Paul Lennon says the science is 'right' well that's
good enough for me.
Kim is on his way out but it is just too bad that he left it to now to speak out. Yesterday’s man.
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