The logging industry is the heart and soul of what has become “THE TASMANIAN WAY”. The industry increasingly sets new standards for patriotism as it looks after Tasmania’s, and Tasmanians’, interests.
The logging industry is out there flying the corporate flag and engaging with Tasmania’s international and interstate tourists. Indeed, the industry has become the cornerstone of “BRAND TASMANIA.”
Log truck drivers know all this because hire car drivers usually toot loudly at approaching trucks and very often they can be seen waving at them through their rear view mirrors. Typically, truck drivers return the courtesy by responding with a loud blast on their horn. It really adds to the “TASMANIAN EXPERIENCE”.
The logging industry is at the front line and it delivers. Our drivers are great ambassadors too. If they are not approaching you on just about every road they are just behind you or they are just over the horizon.
Onwards and upwards Tasmania! Loggers are working on a neater blue green Tasmania where all the trees grow in rows.
Why isn't the log truck the symbol of Tasmania instead of that silly dead dog thing?
There's something wrong with the picture, though. That log truck seems to be on the correct side of the road. It is obvious to all that log trucks, the heartblood of our fabulous industry, must be allowed to take up the whole road when need be - the tourist cars get out of the way pretty quick smart, I can tell you! I've been riding shotgun in hubby's truck a few times when we've had to run a car off the road on a tight corner. They'd be mad to complain about it - we have might and right on our side.
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