Some pollies is calling for the wood supply agreement between Forestry Tasmania and Gunns to be made public.
On what planet do these people reside?
How does anyone expect Gunns to negotiate finance for anything they do if their competitors and opponents have all the details of their commercial arrangements?
Of course there are subsidies involved, we could't afford to operate without them. It is all about jobs, jobs, jobs people.
Gunns will tell their financiers all they need to know and the government, of course, already knows all it needs to know. What more is there for the public to know? People wouldn't have voted for the government if they didn't trust them!
The Government looks after the community’s interest in regard to commercial matters such as resource supply. We vote our governments in to do a job and the last thing a company depending on a government owned resource needs to deal with, is open access to commercial information.
The job is there to be done and the loggers are ready and willing to do it.
By now everyone should know that jobs are at stake here. If the public wants to share in the profits large companies make from subsidies and the exploitation of government owned resources there is a simple way to do it. Buy company shares and sit back and collect the dividends. You can do it individually or insist that your superannuation fund does it.
After all is said and done, it’s all about profits and the jobs and taxes the profits generate. It's time for some of these pollies to do a reality check.
Ben needs to appreciate that he is only getting his support thanks to we loggers.
If we weren't creating the environment for it, he'd never have a koala in a logging coupes chance of making it.
Time for him to make some special concessions I reckon
Errp and away people.
Lyons is a big electorate and it needs a big man. That man has gotta be Dick Adams.
Too much openness, too much transparency, that's what Doug Parkinson said in the upper house.
How right he was (as usual).
People don't need all this information, it just upsets them when they don't understand it (the norm) and confuses them when they do.
Leave people in peace Mr Quin. They don't want to know, they don't need to know and, if it was up to me, they wouldn't know.
Just as everyone likes it
John Gay is a hero in my book. Yessir, a hero. Who else would stand up to a bullying government with a nasty man like that Mr Lennon running things and he looks...ooh...so rough doesn't he, and yet, there's that Mr Gay standing up to him. Sure Lennon might want a pulp mill, but the only person who can give it to him is John Gay. So good onya John. Stick to it and here's hoping you get lucky and get the salary you deserve from your employer.
i personally am looking forward to the day when good ol Paul Lennon get's his big fat well deserved paycheck from Gunn's to sit on the board and tell old Robin Grey a thing or two. And then hopefully, ole John Gay will do the old revolving door trick, tested, tried and true from the ole u.s of a's oil baron buisness, and slip into parliment, and then he'll be able to run tassie. that'd be great!!
Ugg, errr, i fink tis sight is grate, bout time sumone put a sight for da login comunity to speke on!
Really is this a joke site or what, it's really very funny.
Glad to see someone still has a sense of humour.
Look, if everyone could see exactly how we use all the subsidies given to us, we wouldn't have a prayer's chance of getting any more. So it's 'no names no pack drill' if you know what I mean.
Anyway what business is it of the publics how the government uses its money?
So there
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