Once again, ahead in the news, Forests Now! uncovers a secret and sophisticated forestry protest training camp located at an undisclosed location near Oatlands, in Tasmania.
Frightening truth!
Our fearless undercover forestry investigators have now revealed the frightening truth, even smuggling out candid pictures of young bodies hurling themselves into professional assault courses and practicing other disruptive techniques. We reveal a forestry protest training camp that takes innocent young Aussies and twists their unformed minds through brainwashing and assault courses, turning them into mindless anti-forestry automata who will climb bridges, sit on top of poles and otherwise create mayhem in our forests and in our society.
Destroying young minds
We even found 'mini-assault' courses especially for young children, who were swarming up and down scaled down bridges to practice for their later careers inconveniencing the public while on the dole. It's time to sit up and take notice people. Our world is going to pieces and we need your help to stop it. More as news comes to hand.
Yeah, it looks like Oatlands doesn't it?
I always knew there must be something like this out there, how else to explain how so many people from such diverse backgrounds end up anti-forestry in this state. It doesn't make sense until you realise that it's all part of a Green plot to torpedo forestry and prevent us from achieving our full potential.
Small wonder that forestry protest is only fashionable in Tasmania.
It's frightening to see our kids being forced to engage in such dangerous actions when they should be at home, tucked up in bed with a good teddy bear, even if one of its eyes is hanging off a thread.
This is scary stuff. Taking our young children and brainwashing them to believe that forestry is, somehow, less than great...it's too much.
I always wondered where my kids went at weekends but, given a few down at the local, it's always been something I've been able to live with.
Not any more. Thanks to you Forests Now!
I think my next door neighbour went to one of those once...he was away for several weeks...enough to develop some very dangerous skills I'd wager.
If that's where he was, then he's not admitting it, claiming he was 'on vacation' but then that's exactly the sort of thing he WOULD say isn't it?
So the evidence is pouring in now and its starting to look like 'be alert and alarmed' to me. Should I phone that terrorist hot line you reckon?
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