Out of the shadowy depths of the ‘Stop the Mill’ campaign there is an emerging threat to the pulp mill’s orderly progress. Once again, up pop these naysayers who are intent on stopping the mill’s progress and this time trying to stop the pipeline that is vital to everything crossing their land. How Un-Tasmanian can you get?
Apparently Paul Lennon has allowed things to proceed in such a way as the pulp mill is no longer a Project of State Significance, which in turn means that access across private land cannot be guaranteed. Not good enough Paul!
The logging industry is very concerned about this and many of its members are beginning to think that Paul has let them down and very badly. He should have seen this coming and since he hasn’t he should move immediately to fix the problem.
Private landowners just cannot be allowed to stand in the way of this pulp mill or the progress it represents. Certainly there will be ways in which the pipeline will be able to bypass these naysaying idiots but the cost will be enormous. That is unless Paul Lennon delivers the laws he needs to in order to recover his credibility.
We are disappointed in you Paul … very disappointed!
Look Chips it is so easy.
Like overloaded jinkers we travel by night.
Under cloak of darkness they can just wack the pipe in and when then sun comes up none will be the wiser.
Short of that, they could just pipe the water straight from the Meander Dam to the pulp mill....stuff the naysayers....stick the pipe where the sun don't shine!!!!
Kingo the road
This blog is so ridiculous I thought it was a spoof and had a good laugh before I realised you are actually being serious. A lone voice against those against the pulp mill. You go Chips... keep sprouting posts like you are and you'll have the whole world laughing at you.
Oh my... you didn't like my comment yesterday about this blog being an excellent spoof that made me laugh? Too cross to publish it? Or maybe too embarrassed to? Ah - where's the spirit of openness and debate?!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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