We are doing a series of ‘In the Frame’ pieces here and Dick Adams is the next in line. Dick is out and about doorknocking and the logging industry needs to lend him all the support it can muster.
Dick Adams is one of Tasmania's most enthusiastic and active supporters of the logging industry. Before the 2004 federal election Dick Adams said he would be demanding either a change of policy or a change of leadership because of Mark Latham's proposal to phase out old growth logging in Tasmania. He complained that Latham's $800 million dollar forest package was selling out Tasmania on behalf of "a few city dwellers". Too right!
Adams has accused Ben Quin of being weak because he quit the Liberal party because he just could not hold the party line on the pulp mill. Politician must hold the line. Dick Adams knows that the interests of political parties and their financial supporters come before all else in election campaigning.
Dick marched with loggers at the Pro-pulp mill rally in Launceston in July 2007 and has been working very hard behind the scenes to secure the Gunns' pulp mill in the Tamar Valley. His strategists have made a conscious decision to put some space between him and Gunns as they are aware of all those negative naysayers out there who want his scalp.
However the pulp mill and everything associated with it are but one of the local community concerns, Dick Adams has chosen to ‘disengage’ with wrong thinking electors and is instead working behind the scenes to secure the mill's approval.
Clearly Dick Adams needs to be rather silent on the pulp mill in his election campaigning. Misinformed electors in Lyons opposed to the pulp mill must not be allowed to use this opportunity to attack Dick. He is a big man doing a big job. It is up to the logging industry, and all those who depend upon it, to get out there and support Dick if he cannot do it himself.
Phone Dick Adams' northern campaign office and find out when he is going to be in your area and then raise awareness in your local area in any way you can about his enthusiastic support of the pulp mill. Email and calls to the ABC’s radio programs and raise awareness as well and take these naysayers on.
This is how this election will be won or lost for the logging industry. There is only a few weeks to go before the election and the logging industry needs all the help it can get from our parliamentary representatives. And, Dick Adams is a gilt edged industry supporter and all good loggers must stand behind him.